VW Jetta Saves stick shift, Denver drag knife attacker stirs controversy | Ep. 360

8 months ago

Today on The Topping Show US surgeon general issues advisory on Firearms violence, Denver Police trans knife charger goes viral Volkswagen Jetta GLI still have a stick shift, Drag performers lobby congress for more protections, African parliament leader calls for death of white women and children, San Francisco McDonalds of 30 years closes due to min wage increase, and Ford F150 recall all that and much more on the Topping Show. #business #politics #culture #businessnews #biden #trump #vivek #volkswagen

0:00 Intro
1:05 Business
1:07 Volkswagen Jetta GLI saves stick shift!
6:00 San Francisco McDonalds of 30years shut down
8:31 Culture
8:33 Denver drag knife attacker stirs controversy
20:47 Drag performers lobby congress for LGBT protections on CNN goes viral
31:19 Politics
31:21 US Surgeon General issues advisory on Firearms violence, manipulates data
48:10 African Parliament calls to kill white women and children 5x
56:16 Business Blunder
56:18 Ford F150 recall, may accidentally drop into 1st gear at any speed

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