Laura Aboli Reveals that Bill Gates is Evil? Covid Vaccine is a Bioweapon? Who are the Elites? (6-14-2024)

9 months ago
77 (I've been following Laura Aboli for quite a long time on Telegram. She does a lot of research about key issues concerning all of us in the world and has a way of highlighting & summarizing things in a very helpful way that can help us make better decisions in our lives. She always provides fun & inspiring things to brighten our days. She lives in England while raising her three children. Although she does identify the many sources of evil in the world, she believes that it is important to understand the various daily manifestations of evil. Once we know how it appears, we can take steps to not take part. We can focus on manifesting good in our lives and our interactions with others. By first taking responsibility for our own lives, we are automatically helping others by our own actions. Regardless of our religious background or ethnic background, she points out the importance of focusing on improving the quality of our own lives, instead of waiting for someone else to step in and 'fix' things. This is an excellent & wide ranging discussion.)

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