7 months ago

Day 40 in 100 Days FASTING and PRAYER, Wednesday 26th JUNE, 2024.

Scriptures from New King James version verse We take on Isaiah 6 verse 1, In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Isaiah 41 verse 11 to 12, “Behold, all those who were incensed against you Shall be ashamed and disgraced; They shall be as nothing, And those who strive with you shall perish. You shall seek them and not find them, Those who contended with you. Those who war against you Shall be as nothing, As a nonexistent thing. We bless the reading of the word of God. Amen!

Child of God, wickedness is real. No wonder the scriptures says in Psalm 7 verse 9, that the wickedness of the wicked shall come to an end. This is because some evil personalities vow never to live and see the manifestation of the glory and purpose of God in the life of their neighbour. Some offer sacrifice through diabolical or occultic means or manipulations to obstruct, impede, restrict or delay deliberately and maliciously the manifestation of the blessings or divine ordinations in the lives of their neighbours. This is high level of wickedness. In Isaiah 6 verse 1, the scripture says In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord. Correspondingly, some people tie spiritually or diabolically their neighbours destinies by negative means declaring that over their dead body shall the person succeed or his business see the light of the day. He!, this is an abomination. Your work is to pray and allow God to answer your prayer and intervene in your situation. If God decides to kill your enemy to set you free, it does not concern you, how he answered your prayer. He knows the best way to solve a problem or make your liberation to be permanent. Whatever he does is good because he is God and has the best solution to all problems. The Lord will uproot and destroy every wickedness of your oppressors before the end of this program.

Every closed heaven or destiny in your life shall be opened. Every evil veil or canopy which the enemy is using to cover your glory shall be burnt by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Every King Uzziah in your life shall suddenly meet his waterloo and join the rank of the ancestors, for your sake, before the end of this program, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah and Amen!

We take on our PRAYER POINTS 1 to 4.

PRAYER POINTS #1. Lord, by your power, let every man or woman that is sitting on my glory be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus. Amen!

PRAYER POINTS #2. My father, by your power, every man or woman that must die for my destiny and glory to manifest be destroyed by fire and thunder in the name of Jesus. Amen!

PRAYER POINTS #3. Lord, by your mercy and power, let my heaven open for the attainment of your purposes in my life in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Brethren take up your Pray Effective Prayer Book 19.

O God of victory, whenever you go with 'your children to any battle against their enemies, they will never be defeated. I call upon you as you said in Psalm 50:15, "that I should call on you in the days of trouble and you will answer me". I call on you this day Lord, for divine intervention against every satanic expression and attack in my life and family. Amen.
All powerful God, the hour has come for the devil and his agents to know that you are "the head of principalities and powers" as it is written in Colossians 2:10. St. Michael the Archangel and warrior of the most high God! I have heard of what God used you to do in the days of old, and I know you can even do more in our present time. You brought down the devil and his agents when they tried to insult God in heaven as recorded in Revelations 12 verse 7 to 12. You rebuked the devil when he tried to take the body of Moses away in Jude 1 to 9. It is time for you to rise in the name of the Lord against satanic oppression and evil attacks from the kingdoms of darkness in my life and my family. Amen.
Lord! Your word in Romans 8:31 says, "if you be for me, no one will be against me". Every hidden satanic force against me; O Lord! Arise and scatter them in Jesus name. Amen.
Every evil oppressor, oppressing me in the morning, noon, night or midnight; O Lord! Arise and scatter them in Jesus name. Amen.
Every evil attack from my father's or mother's house planning to kill me; O Lord! Arise and scatter them in Jesus name. Amen.
Every attack from my village, compound, office, business and school; O Lord! Arise and scatter them in Jesus name. Amen.
Every attack planned to frustrate my life; O Lord! Arise and scatter them in Jesus name. Amen.
Every attack to destroy my marriage and family; O Lord! Arise and scatter them in Jesus name. Amen.
Every attack against my business, school, job; O Lord! Arise and scatter them in Jesus name. Amen.
Every attack against me from idols, evil trees, shrines, witch doctors, native doctors, witches, wizards, burial grounds, occult and evil groups; I command you all to be consumed by Holy Ghost fire. Amen.
I invoke the angel of Psalm 35:1 against you, to oppose those who oppose me; kill those who want to kill me, fight those who are fighting me, destroy those who want to destroy me, plunder those who want to plunder me, silence those who want to silence me, scatter those planning to scatter me in Jesus name. Amen.
Upon you satanic oppression and evil attacks. Holy Ghost fire. (shout it 21 times) Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire!
Every evil power from succubus, asmodeus, incubus, succuba, asmoda, incuba, succubum and incubum tormenting my life and family; oppose and stop them by fire in Jesus name. Amen.
Any satanic manipulation around my destiny, future, career and purpose of God in my life; oppose and terminate them by fire in Jesus name. Amen. Let all satanic missions and agenda against me be subdued in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

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