Biden Campaign Co-Chair Diagnoses Voters Who Think The Economy Was Better Under Trump With Amnesia

3 days ago

Posted • June 26, 2024: President Biden is trailing in all swing states (or most anyway) and we're coming up on just four months to go until the election, leaving his campaign with the usual option: Lie about how much better everything is now compared to when Trump was in office. Veronica Escobar of the Biden campaign was working hard to do just that while on CNN earlier, and trying to spread some debunked lies in the process: Biden Campaign Co-Chair Veronica Escobar: Voters Who Think They Were Better Off With Trump Have "Amnesia." -- Yep, keep telling everybody they don't know what they're talking about, it's working out great! (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Biden Campaign Co-Chair Diagnoses Voters Who Think the Economy Was Better Under Trump With Amnesia
• Related: Twitchy - This Is Fine: Average Salary Required to Own a Home Increased 80.5% Under Biden

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