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  • 0/2000
  • UN AGENDA 21 - UN AGENDA 2030 = 179+ COUNTRIES signed these Agreements to Reduce the World Population by 90% - Here in Canada it was PM Brian Mulroney for UN Agenda 21 and PM Stephen Harper that signed UN Agenda 2030 = Georgia Guide Stones 500 Million People is the perfect number - Just like most of the other countries NOTHING HAS CHANGED = BEWARE OF THE WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING - Alliance Military Forces currently are in 190+ countries with their Navy Ships sitting off the coasts of 83+ countries that includes All 51 Common Wealth Countries - Since 2017 , it has been reported that around 8 Million People have already been arrested - many people have been in positions of power for a long time and their days are numbered - MED BEDS AND THE GOOD NEWS = for the 5.7 Billion that took THE JAB - after 20 minutes in a MED BED the clotting cells - spike proteins and graphene oxide begin to break up - separate and the cells start to return to normal - reported that in 2+ days - missing limbs can be regrown MIRACLES DO HAPPEN