⚓ Crew of Northern Fleet frigate Admiral Gorshkov practises searching for submarines

8 months ago

25.06.24 ⚓ Crew of Northern Fleet frigate Admiral Gorshkov practises searching for submarines using helicopter
The crew of the Ka-27pl anti-submarine helicopter of the frigate Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet Gorshkov practised tactical techniques of searching and tracking submarines in the Atlantic Ocean.
At a distance of more than 50 kilometres from the ship, the pilots carried out a range of measures for the visual, radar, magnetic and sonar search of submarines.
The search was carried out using the helicopter's standard radio equipment and onboard sonar. Also during the flight shift, the crew of the Ka-27 ship helicopter carried out landing on the frigate's helipad on the fly.
When practicing landings and take-offs from the frigate, the helicopter crew showed high skill and ability to competently analyse information from helicopter and ship navigation devices. In total, five landings have been made on the ship's deck.
The training of the pilots was routine. During the flights, they also carried out air reconnaissance in order to reveal the air and surface situation along the transition route of the detachment of the ships. The flights were carried out with the participation of personnel of the air group, as well as the ship's crew, which provides flight support. Source
🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

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