If You Thought Jill Stein Spoiled 2016 For Hillary, You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

15 days ago

Posted • June 26, 2024: Gotta love Jill Stein and Cornel West. Like Ross Perot and Ralph Nader, they know exactly what they're doing. Where in the case of West, there may be some principle resident in his presidential run, Stein's sole purpose appears to be to chip away at Biden's base, little piece by little piece. While the damage she did to Hillary Clinton in 2016 may have been negligible, what she's doing to the Biden campaign is going to have an even bigger impact. (…)

• More at: RedState - If You Thought Jill Stein Spoiled 2016 for Hillary, You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
Rumble: Trump: RFK Jr. Is Not A Spoiler; Jill Stein Takes 100% From Biden, Cornel West Takes 100% From Biden

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