This Is Why Man Has Never Been To The Moon And Could Never Ever Go There.

3 days ago

Watch till the end and you'll see even Buzz Aldrin, one of the first astronauts on the 1st Apollo 11 mission now admits on camera that they've never been to the Moon.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I know Scientifically, it is impossible for a human to have landed on the moon and back to earth safely, even to this day, many scientists around the world say the same thing.

Here's the reason why no man has ever gone to the moon. High above the Earth beginning at an altitude of 1,000 mi and extending an additional 25,000 MI lay lethal bands of radiation called the Van Allen radiation belts. Every space mission in history with humans on board from both the USA and Russia up until today have been well below this deadly radiation field. Mercury Gemini Soyuz Skylab the space shuttle all maintained altitude well below 1,000 MI all except Apollo? lol Yeah right!!

In order to survive the 3 hour journey there and back through this radiation field necessary to reach the moon and return, solid lead shielding between the astronauts and the exposure outside would be required. The mammoth rocket used by Apollo was already 35 stories tall and weighed as much as a battleship. To add additional tonnage in the form of a lead barrier completely surrounding the crew members would have made it impossible for the spaceship to have left the ground, let alone make it to the Moon. That is why Russia, even though they were more advanced than the USA only sent an unmanned probe to the Moon. The Apollo spacecraft's narrowest shielding was less than 1/8 of an inch of light aluminum! They would have all diewd in minutes!

In 1998 the space shuttle flew to an altitude of 350 MI. One of its highest altitudes ever. Still hundreds of miles below the beginning of a field of radiation that was so severe that the astronauts inside of their shielded spacecraft and inside of their shielded space suits saw flashes of light with their eyes shut. They described it as shooting stars due to radiation penetrating first, the shuttles shielding and then their space suit shielding, then their skulls and finally the retinas of their closed eyes. These belts spawn killer electrons when the earth's magnetic field changes, these electrons will affect astronauts with large doses off radiation that can cause death quickly.

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