Ride Away

15 days ago

I am an AFTRA union actor. well, I have a retirement fund. that is taken away each month. I have never seen one dime of that money it goes to someone else. I don't follow the rules and it's another story of how evil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. No lawyer will take my case because it's universal WB group. in other words it is Satan. I am blacklisted because I pray in the name of Jesus. It's on my profile central casting and showfax. once the satanist liberal puts you on the list you can say good bye to Hollyweard.

I wrote this song at a public broadcast for Angel Flight, taking veterans at the time WW2 veterans to their memorial in Washington DC for free.

Trace Atkins was the actor. I went ahead of him for camera and lighting set up. I am his coloring and 1" inch shorter, so I stood on a box. I got his signature on my guitar and a few pictures of us. no money it was for my friend.

I wrote this song because of a stopped clock on the way to the studio. I said, "well even that old stopped clock was right two times a day..." I wrote that down and while I was sitting waiting I wrote this song. I hope you like it.

If I remember right it was on the Ranch. WB studios. where Any Grifith and many other shows and tv were filmed, much of the back lot and buildings and land is gone today.

I knew the producer and he needed my help so Mr Atkins would not have to wait. it went cool and I got to be in the studio and watch the filming.

Trace was a kind gentleman. I am honored. I would love to send him many songs I have written for him. I don't have any contacts anymore. I have no way to even try to find him. All of my people are dead. I am an old man. nobody. I'm not even a has-been. I think I'm better. I'm a nobody...lol actually I am locked out. politics, poli=many and tics= bloodsucking parasites... now you see why I am locked out. Hollywood is evil. satanic evil. I refuse to work in Hollywood. I hate woke. I hate evil. I hate satan.

I think the best thing out of all of it ... is this song. they can't take this away from me. The evil thieves.

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