Disney Director Sohrab Makker: ‘No Non-White, Non-Jewish’ Hires, Calls CEO ‘Corrupt’

3 months ago


OMG UNDERCOVER JOURNALIST: “So you think that they wouldn’t hire a C-suite who’s not white or not Jewish?”
MAKKER: “In entertainment, no. (...) There’s also a slight glass ceiling for that, you know, I feel like there’s a glass ceiling. It’s not quite, like, in reach yet. You’re not going to get a CFO really non — I guess, for lack of a word, a non-white, non-Jewish.”

O’KEEFE: “Unless you are a white Jewish man, well, you’re likely never going to see Disney’s C-suite.”

MAKKER: “She was like Haitian and Hispanic, mix, she just left Disney like a month ago. She left because she didn’t really have — she’s a woman. She didn’t really have either of her bosses in her corner. But she quit saying that she just was like, ‘I was just not feeling right. So I feel — and that being said, the department heads are two Jewish men. It’s not that I have anything against Jewish men. I’m just saying that she, people of color, felt that and she quit. Because she just said that, ‘I can’t seem to like him.’”

O’KEEFE: “A very well-qualified Haitian-Hispanic woman, who had rapidly worked her way up the Disney ladder, left the company acknowledging that she likely had no future there, oddly enough, because she wasn’t white, Jewish or man enough.”

OMG UNDERCOVER JOURNALIST: “So maybe there’s this juxtaposition between corporations, especially in entertainment, that say, you know, ‘We want diversity and all these things,’ but then in reality — “
MAKKER: “It’s a number. Like, I’ve done the report for diversity and inclusion, which they make us do every year, same thing. I look at the shows, ‘Tell us the diverse cast of members that are in there.’ So seeing the number count go up, but I’m like, yes, it’s gone up, but I feel like that’s like a post-metric.”

O’KEEFE: “Does every department have diversity spreadsheets? I’m seeing a pattern here. And that is from Disney’s hiring practices.”

OMG UNDERCOVER JOURNALIST: “What about like the LGBTQ? I want to see them do it more in, like, the kids shows.”
MAKKER: “That would be great. Yeah. It’s the way the world is. It’s not like pretending it doesn’t exist, right — “
MAKKER: “ — and say like, ‘Oh, we’re just going to show, like, one section of society. That’s all the world is.’ The world is, like, full of everybody, and that should be on screen.”

O’KEEFE: “So, Disney’s philosophy is that you’re never too young to learn about the LGBTQ agenda.”

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