June 26, 2024

15 days ago

[Verse 1]
From ancient rights, they draw their blade,
Striking at the voice and arm,
In shadowed halls, they weave their veil,
To silence tongues and disarm the free.

Unity of thought, minds bound tight,
Punish the voice that dares to stray,
In the clan’s embrace, no light,
The chant of might, the night obeys.

[Verse 2] For the young, they carve new paths,
Flesh and soul, they seek to mold,
In sacred rites, irreversible,
Binding the young in beliefs of old.

No question’s breath, the chant is strong, Youth swayed by rituals deep,
In temples where they belong,
The clan’s truth, a vow to keep.

[Bridge] [guitar solo]
In the markets, wealth turns to dust,
With each coin spent, the hunger grows,
An endless spiral, prices rise,
The land of plenty now in woes.

[Chorus] [guitar solo] [drum solo]
Chasing shadows, ignoring the call,
Sacrificing all for the dream,
As illusions rise and fall,
The clan’s echo, a silent scream.

[Verse 3] [guitar solo]
In halls of power, whispers spread,
Lies spun into a golden thread,
To hold the seat and scepter high,
The truth they bury, lies they fed.

[Chorus repeat]
Clad in robes of night, they lead,
With words of guile, the masses steer,
Control with might, their dark creed,
The clan’s will, a shadow near.


[Bridge] [drum solo]
From the depths, they raise their shrines,
To gods of chaos, night, and dread,
Embracing the fringe, dark divine,
Their souls to twilight led.

[Chorus] [guitar solo]

Dance with those in shade, they do,
Adopt customs wild and free,
Covenant with spirits’ wail,
The clan’s rites in dark decree.

[Outro] [guitar solo]
Heed the warnings in the song,
Power, creed, and trance we trace,
For the night is deep, and the road is long,
In the clan’s embrace, shadows face.


[Outro] The Shadows Dance
Heed the warnings in the song,
Power, creed, and trance we trace,
For the night is deep, and the road is long,
In the clan’s embrace, shadows face.

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