Jimmy Failla Releases ‘Bidenica’ Mock Ad: ‘Bidenica Has a Patented Blend of Confusion and Forgetfulness’

3 days ago

NARRATOR: “If you’re having trouble sleeping, ask your doctor about Bidenica, the sleep aid made for 100 percent Joe Biden press conference.”
Biden: “The best way to get something done if you — if you hold near and dear to you that you like to be able to — anyway.”
NARRATOR : “Bidenica has a patented blend of confusion and forgetfulness that will come the most overactive brains.”
Biden: “Covid has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 year. Look, here’s — the lives — it’s just — it’s just — I mean, think about it.”
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “When they sold out American jobs and killed the Keystone Pipeline it kept me up all night worrying about how we pay our bills. But then I got Bidenica and I’ve never slept better.”
UNKNOWN KID: “Sometimes when I get hopped up on sugar my parents give me Bidenica so I pass out. Other times they give it to me during the day probably so they can do the deed. Gross!”
NARRATOR : “Warning: People who have used Bidenica have experienced rapid lying and an inability to secure the southern border, others have hallucinated [indecipherable] breakfast cereals.
Biden: “Corn Pop was a bad dude.”
NARRATOR: “Ask your doctor if Bidenica is right for you.”

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