Dr. Vijaylakshmi Somra

6 months ago

Meet Dr. Vijaylakshmi Somra, a beacon of inspiration for students at the JKLU Institute of Management. With a Ph.D. in the characterization of the Trojan War and Alexander the Great in literature, an M.Phil. in English Language Teaching (ELT), and an M.A. degree, her passion for literature and new languages knows no bounds.

Influenced by her mentors, Mirdeh Pabla and Girdesh Shivaj, Dr. Vijaylakshmi has embarked on pursuing a second Ph.D. which reflects her dedication to continuous learning and her desire to deepen her academic expertise further.

Continuing the legacy of mentorship from which she herself benefited, Dr. Vijaylakshmi now dedicates her knowledge and experience to nurturing students, empowering them to pursue their aspirations and make a mark on the world.

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