Int 809 with targets individual Sherri Mullinax

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My name is Sherri Mullinax, a 52 year old,single mother and former business owner. I am a
Targeted Victim. My daughters' names are Hana and Mara Zehentner. I was born and raised in
Duluth, GA, born on August 8th 1971.My connections, evidence and situations by being
implanted with microchips is the deepest evidence of being a project of a MK Ultra based
program. This is my whistleblower testimony that includes deep connections to a deep state
“worker bee” network. This testimony will show connections to not only organized criminal
activity such as fraud, forgery, theft, attempted murder, murder and being tied to an Anti
American communist election fraud “worker group”. The attempted murders were attempted in
the states of Mississippi, New Mexico, Colorado, Louisiana, Georgia. I am a witness to murders
in the states of Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana. My testimony and evidence shows
that before the “attack” on my life in January of 2023, I was followed by directed energy that was
being “aimed” at me and my family. I was not aware that this was an intentional attack on me
and my family, by my “family” until I found connections that could only have originated by my
governmental associated Top Secret family members. ”THE TRUTH is Stranger than fiction.

The facts of the evidence will prove that through digital forensics we have utilized the same free
to use, globally recognized gold standard software as IP professionals, police departments, and
investigators resort to. The public software that is available to assist moderators who are
actively working online with all websites, allowing anyone to be able to seek out hacking and
false information without certification. I am part of a team who personally developed a group of
targeted women that without a doubt have put data and logs of infiltrators that include the
government, government contractors,medical and pharmaceutical research, and many others
that are directly connected to our environment. This data and forensics assisted us in proving
that there are companies and individuals inside our devices hacking, monitoring our
environments with organized stalking and being a part of our body area networks. These
individuals and companies do not belong in our personal or business environments which are
tracking our every move, as well as being put on the Terrorist Watchlist. These methods and
findings cannot be disputed in court of law; this is guaranteed by seeking IP, ISN, GPS, and
Command prompt in administrator mode. These results cannot be disputed, and 100% prove
that we are being targeted for murder, real estate and medical research fraud, asset stripped,
and tortured with directed energy weapons. Some of these programs are Patriot Act
Software,controlled by the OFAC (Office of Foreign Asset Control) Some websites include
HIPAASpace,, with a private counterespionage (non linear junction
with a broad spectrum analyzer) proves that semiconductors that are referred to as
MEMS/MICS/ are present in the human body without informed consent. Causing tissue
destruction causes numerous disease processes using non ionizing and ionizing radiation.
Some semiconductors are corrosive, determined by a technical scan. These are compiling all
the evidence that proves that these people are committing HIGH treason and have to be
charged accordingly. This group has connections that run deep…one connection leads to other.
This is a large connected group to the satanic agenda, that we know as the Deep State.

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