June 26, 2024

8 months ago

This week on The Kiwi Rocket!

An episode of two halves!

1, Dr James Thorp - Obstetrician-Gynecologist and Claire Rogers - Physician Assistant (Certified) in Dermatology discuss their newly released paper: "Covid 19 Vaccines: A Risk Factor for Cerebral Thrombotic Syndromes." (Dr Peter McCullough senior author).

2, Dr Peter McCullough - Cardiologist, Internist, Epidemiologist will be in to discuss:

The withdrawl and then reinstatement of his paper (Autopsies revealing a 73.9% death rate from mRNA vaccinated people) from the Lancet!

Can synthetic mRNA be broken down? Stay to listen to the latest scientific paper on treating individuals with mRNA vaccine injuries!

And more! #TheKiwiRocket #CourageousDiscourse

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