3 months ago

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus' teaching on "Entering through the narrow gate," as recorded in Matthew 7:13-14, serves as a profound spiritual lesson. This passage emphasizes the importance of spiritual discipline and faithfulness to the Creator's laws. Jesus contrasts the narrow gate, which requires intentional effort and leads to life, with the broad road that leads to destruction. The narrow path demands a commitment to Jesus' teachings, encompassing practices like prayer, scripture reading, fasting, and fellowship.

Followers of the narrow path may face persecution and rejection, but they are promised eternal life and a deep, abiding peace from a close relationship with God. This teaching calls for self-examination and a commitment to live according to the principles of God's Kingdom, such as love, justice, mercy, and humility. The path is challenging but offers a powerful testimony to the world and leads to true life and eternal communion with God. It underscores that the Christian journey is not about seeking the easiest path but pursuing the path of truth and life as exemplified by Jesus.

In this new era, with the Earth in transformation, adhering to this teaching is seen as crucial for spiritual evolution and the right to continue reincarnating on Earth. It's a call to be aware, respect Jesus' eternal and immutable teachings, and choose to stand on the side of Christ.

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