The Truth Seekers 88 News 6/25/24

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Welcome to the current Broadcast!

We are grateful to share with each of you the things taking place in today’s biblical and political environment. God wins!!!

Also, you will find here our supporting links from the show. We will put all supportive links here in the description for all that watch the replay to have and be able to explore and research for themselves!

LAW OF NATURE. The law of nature is that which God, the sovereign of the universe, has prescribed to all men, not by any formal promulgation, but by the internal dictate of reason alone. It is discovered by a just consideration of the agreeableness or disagreeableness of human actions to the nature of man; and it comprehends all the duties which we owe either to the Supreme Being, to ourselves, or to our neighbors; as reverence to God, self-defence, temperance, honor to our parents, benevolence to all, a strict adherence to our engagements, gratitude, and the like. Erskines Pr. of L. of Scot. B. 1, t. 1, s. 1. See Ayl. Pand. tit. 2, p. 5; Cicer. de Leg. lib. 1.

2. The primitive laws of nature may be reduced to six, namely: 1. Comparative sagacity, or reason. 2. Self-love. 3. The attraction of the sexes to each other. 4. The tenderness of parents towards their children. 5. The religious sentiment. 6. Sociability.

3. - 1. When man is properly organized, he is able to discover moral good from moral evil; and the study of man proves that man is not only an intelligent, but a free being, and he is therefore responsible for his actions. The judgment we form of our good actions, produces happiness; on the contrary the judgment we form of our bad actions produces unhappiness.

4. - 2. Every animated being is impelled by nature to his own preservation, to defend his life and body from injuries, to shun what may be hurtful, and to provide all things requisite to his existence. Hence the duty to watch over his own preservation. Suicide and duelling are therefore contrary to this law; and a man cannot mutilate himself, nor renounce his liberty.

5. - 3. The attraction of the sexes has been provided for the preservation of the human race, and this law condemns celibacy. The end of marriage proves that polygamy, (q. v.) and polyendry, (q. v.) are contrary to the law of nature. Hence it follows that the husband and wife have a mutual and exclusive right over each other.

6. - 4. Man from his birth is wholly unable to provide for the least of his necessities; but the love of his parents supplies for this weakness. This is one of the most powerful laws of nature. The principal duties it imposes on the parents, are to bestow on the child all the care its weakness requires, to provide for its necessary food and clothing, to instruct it, to provide for its wants, and to use coercive means for its good, when requisite.

7. - 5. The religious sentiment which leads us naturally towards the Supreme Being, is one of the attributes which belong to humanity alone; and its importance gives it the rank of the moral law of nature. From this sentiment arise all the sects and different forms of worship among men.

8. - 6. The need which man feels to live in society, is one of the primitive laws of nature, whence flow our duties and rights; and the existence of society depends upon the condition that the rights of all shall be respected. On this law are based the assistance, succors and good offices which men owe to each other, they being unable to provide each every thing for himself.

Bouviers Law Dictionary 1856

Why are the people not following due process of law?

1. Our Right to Petition the Legislature for the redress of grievances. Article the First, Bill of Rights 1791.
2. Our Right to Petition Congress to guarantee a Republican form of government. Article IV section 4.
3. If Congress does not perform their duties as we the People instruct them, then the People are to go to the Military.
4. Trump and the Military have set up a new division of the DOJ for the People to file Criminal Complaint form AO91 which is filed with the Executive Branch, Federal Deputy Attorney General.

Why are the People not following the Supreme Law of the Land?

Our Jurisdiction
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) is responsible for investigating allegations of misconduct against DOJ attorneys that relate to the exercise of their authority to investigate, litigate or provide legal advice, as well as allegations of misconduct against DOJ law enforcement personnel that relate to allegations of attorney misconduct within the jurisdiction of OPR.

Every license you apply for and obtain, business, marriage, drivers, commercial, et al, are bonds on The New York Stock Exchange.

You are an entity, property of the corporate structured government created by The Act Of 1871 which went against the original constitution of We The People.

Everything we do in our lives is all under corporate contract and contract law. Every law under Maritime Law is unconstitutional. Every mortgage and loan are unconstitutional. The current money is unconstitutional.

Constitutional money is a precious metal backed currency. Currency is not legal tender. President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 5 months before he was assassinated which returned our lawful currency back to We the People. Not a bill or a note of which is debt. John F Kennedy wanted to give us back our country and our monetary system.

Imagine if everybody knew their constitutional rights?

Imagine how much crime it would deter for every single citizen to have the capability of being deadly instantaneously.

We should all be our own police and be responsible for our own safety. We all need to roll back all of these laws and authorities we’ve given to these corrupt people.

There was a point where it worked well and we’re way past that point.

I would be more safe armed and with the security cameras rather than having corrupt police paid by the United Nations that could turn on us at any point.

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