When God Shows Up — Day 14 : Demonstrations of Love

3 months ago

God is a God who Shows Himself. But God is also a God who Hides Himself. He reveals His character and nature and power to men, and He conceals Himself from some folks. There are reasons God reveals Himself – there are reasons He's hides Himself. Any one of us may have experienced both His showings and His hidings at different times in our lives for different reasons.

But this really begins to answer a lot of questions, as to why some people know God and He is more involved in their lives – while others don't seem to know God or see His activity in their lives at all. God is not the variable. He doesn't change. But we do! That's what repentance is for. Hidden doesn't mean not there, nor does it mean unwilling – it means not perceived.

Let me just tell you : God is not fickle, He is not a respecter of persons – but nor is He random and arbitrary. If you believe God and do what He says – He will show up in your life!

Brother Nicholas

Word Resources –

Ministry home site : https://www.muchgrace.church/
Prophet's book : https://www.tribulation-saints.com/
Pastor's book : https://simplicityofchrist314608717.wordpress.com/

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