Why Rainbow Crosswalks Are A Thing & Why 'Defacing' Them Is A 'Hate Crime'…The Human Rights Campaign

16 days ago

Posted • June 25, 2024: It's Pride Month, in case you were unaware. And since the end of May, Twitchy has brought you three stories about manhunts meant to find people who vandalized rainbow crosswalks: a man in Florida facing felony charges for doing a burnout on one of them, one in Spokane, Washington where city leaders cried about it, and one in West Virginia. Now, a person with common sense would ask why you paint this on the roadway, where it's going to be walked and driven on and -- therefore -- marked up.

Well, this thread explains why rainbow crosswalks are now a thing. It won't really surprise you who the culprit is. … Ah. The Human Rights Campaign. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - BOOM: EPIC Thread Explains Why Rainbow Crosswalks Are a Thing (and Why 'Defacing' Them Is a 'Hate Crime')

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