Feedback from a student who is now married and has a family

8 months ago

“He’s not trying to make you into something you aren’t, but rather helping you become the best version of yourself. By doing that, dating comes naturally.”

If you are pretending to be someone you aren’t, it may work in the short term, but eventually the mask has to come off, and then whoever it worked on isn’t going to be very happy.
That’s why PUA got such a bad rep, which much of it is legit criticism. Routines and lines that someone else invented will never be congruent with you.
A carbon copy of me, or another coach = is just a crappy version of someone else.

The key is to become the best version of YOU, then when you make a connection, it’s real and much more likely to last!

If you have been trying to level up and seem to be stuck, I can help-
Online Dating Program=
Phone Coaching =
1on1 Private Coaching =

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