Climate Change: Trial of the Century Part 3

9 months ago

TOTC Part 3. In Part 3, the Energy . . 2306 A.D. Project will provide you with
an in-depth peek into the workings of the Earth’s atmospheric portion of our
Biosphere. We will show the interrelationships with our cloud cover and the
nefarious Green House Gases you’ve heard so much about. Get ready to put on
your scientific hat, because from now on, ya got’s ta pay ‘tention.
Note: We need to apply an addendum to the presentation. We stated that 26%,
+/-, of the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s surface due to an extraction of the
Albedo effect from that falling on the outer atmospheric layer. Actually, it is the
Albedo effect that robs 26%, +/-, and it is the approximate 74% remaining that
reaches the earth’s surface.

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