the Go-Go's vs Trump and Stern "Has the Whole World Lost IT's Head?" [PART 1]

6 months ago

"Out of Touch" Hall & Oates
"Has the Whole World Lost It's Head?" GoGo's

If you've looked back far enough, you know this world didn't just start get crazy. Long before now, and even the 80's, but hyper-modernity certainly started around then. At least as we know it. Three douche incel-extradordinaires came to major prominence during this time, filling our papers, tv's and media channels.
Is it just me? Or did Stephen King, Howard Stern, and Donald Trump all have way to much to do with the debasing of our society and the degeneration of our morals? Or did we lose our heads way back then?
Turns out the GoGo's had some pretty prophetic lyrics on the subject. They sang about it to Howard Stern circa 1994 in a hyper-awkward, truthy explosion. This video keeps asking "what is IT"? looking back into the days of punk rock dying, being reborn and those that need to be reborn in the Master Messiah. He's our only hope obi wan, not any jedi.

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