Jewish rebellion and rejection in Scriptures

3 months ago

Take this Bible study journey with us as we trace the history of rebellion of the Jews that led to the rejection of YHWH/Jesus Christ. YHWH who is LOVE warned them over and over against departure from Him as their KIng. He told them the blessings that will attend them on the condition of faith-filled obedience, and the curses that will come upon them if they disobeyed His voice( Deuteronomy 28). Sadly, they hardened their heart, rejected Him and taught their descendants the same. They reject Christ as Messiah/Son of God who is YHWH in flesh. And today, the world suffers from their evils against humanity e.g. genocide of the Palestinian people, creation of diseases and mexcines etc. The acceptance of the character of Christ makes us all lovely in our personality traits. It is what the Jews need. It is what all men need to be rid of sin and bad, Godless, inhumane personality traits. Listen and be blessed.

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