Breakfast Tacos? Top Biden Advisor Mitch Landrieu Doesn't Know Why Biden Is Losing Latino Votes

15 days ago

Posted • June 25, 2024: The internal polling for the Biden campaign must not be good. CNN is freaking out about Biden losing the black vote, and Axios warned us that Latino voters are shifting to the Republican party, too. So watch Biden advisor Mitch Landrieu admit the administration is so out of touch with Latino voters they don't know why Biden is losing that bloc, too.

NBC: "Why is Joe Biden losing ground with some Latino voters right now?"

Top Biden advisor Mitch Landrieu: "I don't know" (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Remember BREAKFAST TACOS? Top Biden Advisor Mitch Landrieu Doesn’t Know Why Biden Is Losing Latino Votes
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