CMPD release videos of a suspect being shot by officers when he was tossing a gun away

7 months ago

Body-worn camera video was released Monday in connection with a police shooting that happened earlier this year in west Charlotte.

Timothy Moore was shot by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police on Feb. 8, 2024, after officers said he allegedly pulled a gun from his waistband and pointed it at them on Beatties Ford Road, near Lasalle Street.

The police department said officers had approached Moore and another person at a convenience store after seeing “potential drug activity.”

Nearly 100 different video files were uploaded on Monday. The department showed multiple angles of a body-worn camera, and a surveillance video recording from a nearby tower before the incident that showed Moore holding a handgun.

In one video, a CMPD officer approached Moore and called out, “Tim Tim,” within a few seconds of exiting his patrol car. The video shows Moore take steps away from the Fast Mart toward the parking lot.

Moore tells the officer, “I didn’t do anything,” and accelerates his pace before repeating, “I didn’t do anything.”

The CMPD officer’s body camera shows Moore running through the parking lot, and you can see a gun appear in his right hand.

The officer says “Let me see your hands, hands!” and draws his gun while Moore turns around. The officer then fires one shot at Moore.

The video isn’t clear if Moore points the gun at the officers, but his motion appears to show him attempting to throw it.

When Moore was shot, the gun flew out of his right hand toward the parking lot. One video shows the gun about 20 feet away from Moore while he’s on the ground.

The officers then begin providing aid and calls for backup.

Moore told an officer he was hit in the arm and repeated, “I didn’t do nothin’.”

The total amount of time between the officer first calling out to Moore and the shot fired was just about seven seconds.

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