
8 months ago

Approximately 300,000 winkle-lipped bats are disgorged from their roosts in the dark caves of Borneo, home to one of the world's largest cave systems. These caves are teeming with life, including vast colonies of bats. At sunset, they swarm out to hunt, providing an opportunity for local birds to feed
Birds of prey, such as the Wallace's hawk-eagle, equipped with sharp talons and beaks, are adept at catching bats. Even fruit-eaters like the oriental pied hornbill keep an eye out for a chance to snatch a bat. The cave racer snake also lurks, ready to catch a bat.
Borneo boasts the richest rainforest biodiversity, estimated to house 60,000 species of plants and animals, with 6,000 of them being unique to the island. New species are discovered almost daily.

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