In our reality, we have cockroaches running up and down the sky screen.

15 days ago

Haven't seen this before. I have no idea what it is, but cockroach seems appropriate.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the skyscreen. The biggest movie screen ever.
And what better way to distract us than have your opposition handlers lead the weak ass fight against chemtrailing by screaming "aluminum, barium, etc.!". Yeah, that was controlled opposition. The chemicals in the real chemtrails react with the aether, and I only say this because of observational analysis, deductive reasoning, knowing "their" method of operation (misleading, distracting, total and completely untruths mixed with some tidbits of what they're doing), and having an open mind to the crazy stuff you are videoing. I do not have any proof other than what I video and brainstorming. And of course that leads to my brain. 3 years ago I would have thought I was crazy. Times change. This is what happens when you retire at 50 yo and never trusted the bastards in charge anyway. I'm rambling, take care. We live in interesting times.

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