Our Loss, Heaven’s Gain: Dr. Jim Meehan. A tribute by Del, TheHighwire

15 days ago

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/)

Del Bigtree: He was always there for us, really, sort of a brother and a member of our team. When we asked him what show you would like to do, he said based on my christian faith, I’ve always wanted to speak to millions of people about the issues of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines, it’s really dear to my heart, it’s very important, and if you let me I would really like to do that segment. So, for all of you, this is the segment that Jim wrote, this is what he cared the most about!
Dr Jim Meehan: As a father, as a grandfather, as a doctor, as a follower of Christ, I am very committed to this issue of our religious freedoms. And why should we be concerned about vaccines and our religious freedoms? Well, I'll tell you a very serious reason that we should be concerned is that many of the vaccines, the live virus vaccines in particular, varicella, the chickenpox vaccine, rubella excetera, these vaccines are grown on aborted fetal cell lines. Cells that were at the moment of a child's entrance into the world, they were taken captured in a plastic bag, taken to a vivisection table. And without anesthesia, without compassion, those tissues from their body were ripped out of their little body. And they were harvested, their cells were harvested to become the manufacturing substrate for generations of vaccines produced by the manufacturers of these live attenuated virus vaccines. And they did not teach me this in medical school. They didn't teach us in fact, medical school, what they teach about vaccines is little more than memorize the CDC recommended schedule and memorize how to catch a child up should they fall behind on that schedule. That's what they teach you two and a half pages in a textbook, you know, a few days in medical school, they don't teach you about what's in the vaccines, the ingredients, the possible contaminants, the aluminum adjuvant that could be neurotoxic, in the human body, especially a small developing child's body. But the thing that I found out later in medicine as a father of five children, that my children were being injected with the DNA micro fragments, the residual cellular proteins, of a human child's cells that was sacrificed at the moment of its entrance into the world. And I find that a very powerful reason that people of faith should be demanding their religious freedoms, and they should be filing religious exemptions from these vaccines. When I debate pediatricians, I just go to the package insert, so can you! Because here's what the package insert for the varicella vaccine, Varivax, says: the product also contains residual components of MRC-5 cells, including DNA and protein. So what is MRC-5, it's the way they dehumanize a child like this 14 week old male fetus that was aborted to become the endless production substrate for the varicella vaccine and many other vaccines: chicken pox, hepatitis A and B, typhoid, MMR, rabies, shingles and smallpox vaccines. But this is just one of many fetuses that were aborted. You take WI-38. The 38 indicates at least 38 children were aborted to obtain that tissue line that became the substrate for vaccine production. They're coded so I think a lot of doctors don't realize that these cell lines are dehumanized in their codename so they don't realize that it's actually Baby Doe 14 week old male fetus that was sacrificed. This is a real reason to object to the injection and our children and our cells of these abortion tainted fetal cell lines and so many of our vaccines, in fact, in so many of the medical products in the world today. In the varicella vaccine that Varivax vaccine, there's twice as much human antigen being injected into our children, twice as much human antigen from these aborted fetal cells, as there is the varicella antigen!
Let that sink in, ladies and gentlemen, twice as much human antigen being injected into our children multiple times throughout their life. And could that be a problem? Well, nobody knows. Because the people that should be providing the oversight are not providing the oversight. The debate is not being had. There is no discussion because the discussion is censored. And that's what's destroying real science and the health of our population in this world, today. It's all about the debate, we have to have the discussion! Highwire, you guys are a part of what has allowed me to learn and protect my children and my patients. I value that tremendously. Because as I've learned and dug into the science, I realized we're not being told the truth. And I realize how important it is what you're doing, how important it is to this world and to the health of our children. So it's been an honor to be here. Thank you so much. I pray that all of you will be blessed and protected and be educated to the point that you'll just rise up and resist what you have to protect your children to protect your freedoms and to protect our future. God bless you.
Del Bigtree: My team told me that after he recorded that segment he was sitting watching it in the control room and tears were running down his face, because he finally had done the story he wanted to do, which is all any of us can hope for. It's why I'm here. It's why we do what we do! To try and make the world a better place for our kids, to show our kids what it means to be alive, to be a warrior, to stand for the truth!

Original presentation - 09/01/2023: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/are-there-aborted-fetal-cells-in-vaccines/
Del Bigtree full tribute: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/our-loss-heavens-gain-dr-jim-meehan/

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