Timeline of Disclosure Event July 11th to 14th - Laurine

4 days ago

Laurine is an internationally recognized professional psychic medium. She has been studying her craft for over 30 years. With her psychic abilities, she has been able to find missing persons and animals and also has helped individuals discover their innate intuitive abilities as well. Her psychic skills are so renowned that they were sought after both on and off planet. At the very young age of 3, she had already been preselected to serve in multiple capacities in several SSP programs. She vividly remembers serving in Solar Warden under the name of Leslie Roberts and made it to the rank of Admiral. After returning from her service off world, she was still being sought after by various individuals in a multitude of different fields and arenas. Her repertoire of VIP clients includes celebrities, scientists as well as people in public service. She is sought after for her expertise and insight in the realm of future forecasting. She has also done extensive timeline analysis for the past decade and projections on the future of where she sees humanity going forward. Her aim has always been to help humanity reach their full potential, to the stars and beyond. She is honored to be alive at this crucial time in human history and is honored to be one of many coming forward who are serving humanity and the common good for all.

You can contact her for readings at:

James will be putting on a fun, Super Soldier Talk Timeline of Disclosure and Soul Healing Fair with eight SSP speakers, July 11-14th, 2024 at the Harborside Holiday Inn in Indian Shores, Florida. Then a free Soul Healing Fair celebration July 13th. We need vendors and volunteers. Book your V.I.P. Tickets at https://timelineofdisclosure.ticketspice.com/timeline-of-disclosure

James Rink will be speaking at the Appalachia Starseed Reunion Old Fort, NC August 1-4, 2024

Original Record Date: June 11, 2024

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