Your Society Always Has Your Best Interests In Mind [#2 ME pod]

8 months ago
9 is home to all of Robert LaSalle’s music, poetry, prose, podcasts & video podcasts. New Episodes of MACRO ETHIC every Sunday & Wednesday, starting January 2023 wherever you get your podcasts.

With sardonic humor, the artist formerly known as Robert LaSalle takes us on a metaphysical exploration of the absurd, speaking candidly about music, poetry, philosophy, psychology, history, the degradation of society, the evolution of the human spirit & why we should all become seekers instead of believers.

All of the music in the podcast is Robert LaSalle. The show's written, edited & produced by him too. In fact, he wrote all these words too. Now he's writing these words. So meta-meta. Can you believe he refers to himself in third person? So egoic.


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∞ ROBERT LASALLE DISCOGRAPHY (Music Videos & Lyric Videos) ∞


∞ SANCTUARY WEST STUDIO is Robert LaSalle’s instrumental recordings ∞

∞ IMPASTER is Robert LaSalle’s early recordings ∞


#macroethic #podcast #vlog #pod #philosophy

Welcome to Earth, kid. And welcome to society. Let’s start you off with a car. Your freedom within this society requires you to move about long distances, so you must begin contributing to Earth’s destruction through carbon emissions immediately. In order to gain freedom, you must start by going into small amounts of debt, thus proving your loyalty to society’s domineering, destructive system. Once you’ve gone into enough debt and partially paid it back, you are permitted to borrow a vehicle from the bank, as long as you commit to paying twice its value over the course of several years.

Next, you will be required to prove your loyalty to the propaganda machine we call “education”. Never mind the fact that humans truly only learn through experience, and never mind the fact that all information is now available to everyone everywhere. Your society wants you to cram information into your brain very quickly and systematically then force you into rigorous, stressful testing for which will require you to sleep very little, work incessantly then forget everything you learned by the end of the year. If for any reason you choose not to enter into this institution for the next four to eight years, your society will project shame and regret upon your entire life. Society will actively work against you if you choose not to enter into this institution. Remember, your society always has your best interests in mind. If you DO choose to enter into this institution, you will be required to go into one lifetime’s worth of debt, and you will be forced to focus on one single subject matter to which you will be expected to resign your life, fully commit and reserve all of your time to this one single subject for the rest of your life. If you find other interests along the way, society will make it extraordinarily difficult for you to change paths, and you will be forced into two lifetimes worth of debt if you choose to focus on more than one thing in life.

In order to live anywhere, you must go into another lifetime’s worth of debt OR you must agree to pay a monthly fee in order to exist somewhere on a temporary basis. The second option is similar to throwing money into a fire. Society’s economic structure is one where, people who own things exponentially own more and more things and people who own nothing, they owe exponentially more and more things to the people who own all the things. There are no alternatives to this. Simply by existing, you are either an owner or an owe-er. If at any point you cannot own or rent a place to exist, society offers you no means of ever regaining a place to exist. You will be forced into a lowly shame for which very few people ever recover.

Once you become an adult, you are completely tied into every callow decision you made as a teenager, and you’re completely committed and completely trapped. Society strongly incentives that you find another person who’s completely committed and completely trapped, and together the two of you become completely committed and compl


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