Show 156: The Adoration or Worship of God, the First Commandment

8 months ago

In this episode we begin to discuss the 1st Commandment. In the First Commandment God enjoins upon us to worship Him, and forbids idolatry and every false form of worship.

The adoration we pay to God consists in this: That we ac knowledge both in our hearts and by our actions that He is Our Lord and we are His creatures and His servants.
We worship God interiorly by acts of faith, hope, and charity.
We adore God exteriorly by vocal prayer, sacrifice, genuflections, prostrations, folding of hands, striking the breast, etc.
We ought to pay God exterior worship, because we are bound to render Him the homage of our bodies, and because it serves to increase our interior devotion ; furthermore, external worship answers to a need inherent in our human nature.
We ought never to render external adoration to God without having awakened within us the corresponding senti ments of devotion.
We ought to avoid all exaggeration in devotion, and never omit the duties of our state in life.
We must pay supreme worship to God only, for He alone is the sovereign Lord of heaven and of earth,

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