Israel is Moving Equipment North Getting Ready for their War with Hezbollah

15 days ago

brought to you in part by American Revival Press -

Israel is moving assets and troops to it's northern border nonstop over the past 48 hours (this is posted June 24th). Biden continues to say he will not help in Lebanon if they invade, PM Netayahu says, "We have no choice, Hezbollah will not stop attacking us."

Iran has been threatening, "We will meet you on the ground in Lebanon if you invade." Israel is unwavering.

WW3 could very well be formally starting. This Lebanon invasion could very likely bring many Middle East states formally into a war. Iran for one has been increasingly braze, even with their proxies, Houthis in Yemen, continually firing rockets and guided missiles at ships and warships in the Red Sea region.

Perhaps we won't make it to the elections after all? Looks like this could become the formal beginning of WW3.

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