How to Reset Your Cellular Voltage So Your Body Can Heal – Healing is Voltage – Dr. Jerry Tennant

2 hours ago

***This is GOOD. This guy is just a brain. This just may be the Key to healing all chronic and terminal diseases. If you know someone who is chronically ill, this is a must see.

Dr. Tennant joins Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea as he explains how to reboot and recharge your cells so they can hold a charge – when the “batteries” are empty it is is impossible to heal.

Voltage is a measurement of pH in a cell.

- pH is a Measurement of Voltage in a Liquid.

Cells are designed to run between a pH of 7.35 and 7.45. If you can get them between this pH range, they can make new healthy cells and that is how healing occurs.

Anything below 7.35 pH is called Acidosis and can result in Chronic Pain.

FATS cause Acidosis. Your body can NOT heal with too much fat. It is impossible.

Fats stresses both the Liver and the Pancreas. The Liver is the protector of all the other organs in your body, when it becomes stressed, the rest of the organs must compensate and they eventually become overburdened.

The Keto Diet – focuses on high fat and low carb intake. It is a disaster waiting to happen as it slowly but surely will overburden the liver and the other organs if one continues to follow for decades. 20 years down the road, they will have health problems. Short term they may feel good because the fat causes the Adrenal Glands to produce adrenal to thin the fat from the blood when the liver and pancreas are overburdened and thus a person feels “good”, it’s not a healthy good, it’s more like a drug high.

Dr. Jerry Tennant became so chronically ill that he would have to sleep 16 hours a day. No doctor had an explanation of what was going on and could not treat him.

This is his story and no one else could treat him, so learned how to cure himself. Then dedicated his life to healing others and teaching other medical doctors how to use his method.

This type of healing MUST be integrated with the healing strategies of today.

That is when he dusted off some old texts and discovered that our bodies are just like a battery, and they have 12 of them throughout.

These batteries can get drained and not hold a charge and reverse polarity and that is when chronic illness sets in because when polarity reverses it is very, very difficult to get it back to the normal polarity. It can ONLY be accomplished with Scalar Energy.

Around every organ is a Scalar Field that should be Spinning Clockwise.

Dr. Tennant says the Organs of the Body are wired together as Tesla Circuits. Half the organs in the body are considered to be Yin organs and half are Yang organs and a yin organ is always connected to a yang organ.

Yin = Dark
Yang = Light

Opposing Forces = Opposite Polarities

They create circuits -- as resistors, transistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes.

Dr. Tennant says he has been “Biohacking” the body for 60 years.

Cellular Voltage can be regenerated through scalar energy.

Balancing Cellular Voltage is the Key to Healing ALL Chronic Illnesses. It is nothing more than balancing the pH of the cells.

But it is not quite as simple as it sounds, because once the polarity has flipped, getting out of chronic illness just doesn’t happen – UNLESS you know how and Dr. Jerry Tennant figured this out.

New healthy cells cannot be manufactured if this polarity is not re-reversed back to normal.

So, what you get is a mysterious “disease” diagnosis that doctors have no clue what’s going on and no clue as to how to even begin treating.

Dr Tennant explains how the polarity flip of cellular voltage causes blood changes, chronic fatigue and all diseases of aging.

The Biomodulator

He explains how to use the Biomodulator to reset the Autonomic nervous system and the Scalar Wave Biotransducer to flip the polarity of the cellular batteries so they can hold a charge.

The BioTransducer

Dr. Tennant’s Biotransducer is a hand-held accessory that emits electromagnetic pulses from the Tennant BioModulator to deliver a no-touch treatment through clothing and even cast to the bone of the body delivering voltage and frequency from the inside of the body out.

Dr. Tennant also discusses Bohr effect.

The Bohr effect is a phenomenon first described in 1904 by the Danish physiologist Christian Bohr. Hemoglobin's oxygen binding affinity is inversely related both to acidity and to the concentration of carbon dioxide.

All related to Voltage & pH.

It is the relationship between oxygen transport and pH – and the inability to give of oxygen to the tissues even if the pulse oximeter shows normal oxygen levels.

This is how doctors misunderstand physiology and miss the main cause for chronic fatigue and illness!

3 Types of Energy:
1. Implosion
2. Explosion
3. Scalar

Scalar Energy is the key to reverse cellular voltage back to it’s normal state, to it’s normal pH.

Dr. Tennant's Daily Protocol includes resetting your autonomic nervous system, correcting flipped polarities in the body, and allowing you to hold onto voltage more effectively.

In this time where self-assembly nanotechnology transforms the blood and hijacks our electrical life force, Dr Tennant explains how the polarity flip of cellular voltage causes blood changes, chronic fatigue and all diseases of aging

About Dr. Jerry Tennant:

Dr Tennant - Genius, scholar, inventor, humanitarian, innovator, healer, teacher, entrepreneur, historian — these are just a few of the terms that describe Dr. Jerry Tennant whose remarkable life, dedicated to healing and innovation, has changed the paradigm of western medicine.

Over the course of his career, he has worked with preeminent doctors across multiple fields. He is one of the few surgeons to be awarded the Corboy Award for Advancements in Ophthalmology and the American Academy of Ophthalmology Award, and has taught surgeons around the world to do outpatient eye surgery and was instrumental in getting Congress to pay for this, saving Medicare millions of dollars every year.

*Thanks to WENDY NIELSON for Sharing.


1. Humanity United Now – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD --

2. Healing is Voltage – The Handbook – Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), Psc.D --

3. Molecular bioelectricity: how endogenous voltage potentials control cell behavior and instruct pattern regulation in vivo --

4. Dr. Tennant’s Devices --


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END. 6/30/2024 – 6:00 PM

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