Gen Z Influencers Turn On Biden In 2024 Following TikTok Ban

8 months ago

Gen Z voters are furious that President Biden signed the bill to ban TikTok, and they are now turning against the man who they helped win the 2020 election. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Generation Z voters are furious that President Biden signed the bill to ban TikTok, and they're now turning against the man who they helped win in 2020. Okay. Let's back up. This story is such an important story. You had in the last election cycle, you had folks that were hugely organized, and they were going online, and they were trying to defeat Trump and have Biden elected because Biden was making them all these promises. If you do this, I'm gonna take care of the oil industry. He did just the opposite. If you do this, I'm gonna give you access to whatever you, there's been no access. If you do this, I'm going to open up this notion of freedom of speech. Just the opposite. So that's what they're reacting to. I mean, those things I just said are right here in this article from quotes from people who in the last cycle, yeah, I worked for the guy. They are abandoning him. Generation Z on this process is completely abandoning Joe Biden. And it's not just age or this sense of dementia. It's a lot more involved.
It's amazing that it is so policy focused with this young generation because that's something we typically do not see.
I love to see it.
I mean, don't you?
It's great, because they're paying attention to Israel and Gaza, and they say, look, we're not pleased with what you are doing to exacerbate these issues over there. We don't like that you are completely ignoring the issue of climate change and I know some people are gonna disagree with me on that issue, but on the whole, on the bigger picture, we are not doing nearly enough. But these young voters, more importantly, were recruited by the Biden campaign. And once he got in office, he had them meet at the White House. I wasn't a part of the meeting. I actually happened to be in DC, visiting with my family outside the White House and I saw this group of people out there. I was like, what is, this is weird. And then I followed these.
Didn't you do story on this?
Yeah, I follow them on social media and saw them posting their pictures, said, oh my God. These are social media people that they've got at the White House with Biden. So by sheer coincidence, I happen to see it happen. But they embraced them. They promised we'll give you $83,000 a year and now they're turning their backs on him.
Well, okay. They're turning their back. Now the best analysis, Alaina Wood, okay. This is a very well respected media creator. She's all over the media creating her own material. And so she was very vocal and for Biden last time. And you know what she says? She said, I'm not gonna take their propaganda just because they demand that I take their propaganda. I'm gonna think for myself. I'm not gonna praise you constantly, Mr. Biden, President Biden. I'm not gonna do all of your bidding for you. I'm not like some empty headed buffoon who you spoon-fed me and I'm gonna go say it. I love that because that's what you're seeing with these Generation Z types that are saying, look, I gave it my best shot. You were a disappointment. You still are a disappointment. But the TikTok thing. That is, I guess if we go in an order, TikTok is really one of the big issues. You're banning free speech. Then it gets to the climate issue. I mean, they're thinking about, they're actually analyzing, these are promises that were made by Biden, and this is what's actually happening and they are just leaving in droves.
Yeah. They wanted a transformational leader. They didn't want a bridge. Right. And that's what we were told in 2020, hey Biden, he's not perfect, but he's gonna get us over to the next person. Okay. He even said that in the campaign.

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