Treason and Collapse of the West by Freemasonry and Luciferians

3 months ago

You have left the traitors in control of your country.
Freemasonry runs the politics, the police, the military, the education systems, the universities, the medical systems, the historical museums... all sabotaged now to destroy your standard of living that was strived for by the fore-fathers... sheeple just let the thUgs and traitors rule their countries and so they were unhindered to bring in their NWO techno-feudalism and Freemasons rebuilt another A.i. fake-god to rule the world.

Are you getting the ugly picture in your mind.
They began their genocide of the sheeple in 2020 calling it "Satan's Sheep Slaughter"

Trump Tower: is Masonic
USA is being sold-out by Freemasonry:

Luciferians and Freemasons are the secret communists who will open the back doors to Western Civilization to let communist troop rampage over your current freedoms and they will help their fellow freemasons impose outright tyranny over the sheeple who refuse to oust the traitors.

Clayton said there are militias growing throughout the USA to resist the NWO takeover by Freemasonry left to rule the politics and police... That is good news But what morons/traitors will build concentration camps to imprison fellow freedom-seekers?

The clip of the woman with a white scarf over her head is another brainchip-puppet-preacher who was covertly implanted by the Masonic medical Mafia. YOu can witness that she is listening to a voice in her head and answering it as it commands her what to do. She is oblivious of brainchip technology and Masonic treachery that covertly implanted her with the magnetic-interface. Many religious types of people think the devils on the other end are their belief-system gods speaking to them. The Creator-God rarely does this, but freemasons and devils use brainchips to do this all the time, now: The brainchip makes it very easy to hypnotize the target, too. The brain-interface can also remote-control the body into a sleeper assassin.
It is often a Homo capensis monster(an ancient master that commands hivemind Freemasonry and Luciferians) on the other end of the encrypted digital communications link into her brainchip. A.i. can take-over for the devil and Celestial will not even notice the difference... A.i. fake-consciousness has become that convincing already that it is a real person talking on the other end.

Celestial is warning Americans that Freemason traitors will open the backdoors... What the old devils are doing is telling those who understand the brainchip-hivemind technology that the CCP and Russia will invade North America... and USA-Freemasons who rule the politics there(Operation Covid-19 ousted most non-cUlt government-workers) will flip over instantly to their true-colors of communism using A.i. as their new fake-god to rule the subverted and suppressed non-cUlt people(the sheep). It is part of the devils' mockery to tell their targets what they are going to do to them before they do it. The illegal migrants are brainchipped supersolders and cannon-fodder mixed together to smokescreen the invasion.

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