NZ Vaccinologist Helen Petousis Harris Confirmed Liar, Also a Criminal?

22 days ago

Helen Petousis-Harris is a "vaccinologist" whose PhD looked at which muscle is the best to inject vaccines into. This makes her an "expert" in the eyes of New Zealand's legacy media who do not ask any hard questions about the harms of the Covid products or the crimes that it is becoming obvious Pfizer and their partners have committed.

Helen is one of three co-directors of the Global Vaccine Data Network,, which was seeded with Gates Foundation money to address vaccine hesitancy, seemingly by massaging data and lying to the public about the reality of harms. It is becoming apparent that Gates has a Malthusian approach to his "philanthropy" which rather than helping anyone, aims to enrich those willing to lie about the harms his work is causing to humanity. Learn more here:

Appointed "experts" such as Helen are clearly willing to lie about the data, which can be explained by their funding conflicts of interest. Should she speak the truth, what would happen to her career including her standing as an "expert" with legacy media? Does this make her a Malthusian criminal like Bill Gates? This may need further investigation.

Meanwhile a range of actual and independently funded experts without conflicts of interest in New Zealand, dealing with the data and more importantly, with the victims of harm, continue to be aggressively silenced in New Zealand. They can be found at the following links:

Team of data analysts working with physicist Dr Guy Hatchard:

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science:
This is a group of hundreds of doctors and scientists, many of them working anonymously due to the threats against their careers should they dare advocate for patient safety against the gangsters paying into regulatory systems such as the NZ Medical Council. Learn more here:

The Health Forum New Zealand: a voluntary organisation working directly with the vaccine injured to document the injuries and deaths associated with these toxic products:
In July 2023 anonymised data from the Citizens' Database at The Health Forum, showing deaths associated with the injectable products, reported voluntarily by bereaved family members, was provided here:


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