2024 CNN Presidential Debate: Biden vs. Trump - The Truth About Abortion Policies

2 months ago

In the 2024 CNN Presidential Debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald J. Trump, it's crucial to understand the stark differences in their positions on key issues. In this video, we explore the Democrat's stance on abortion and how it contrasts with the views of most Americans.

Key Points:

The United States' extreme abortion policies under the radical left
Democrats' push for abortion legalization at any stage of pregnancy
The U.S. is among the few countries permitting elective abortions throughout all nine months
71% of Americans support legal limits on abortion
America's compassionate approach to healthcare for women and babies
The significance of the Dobbs decision in returning the power to elected representatives
The launch of the HOPE Agenda by the America First Policy Institute in April 2024
Learn more about our position on this critical issue and others: America First Policy

For more information on the upcoming debate, visit: AFPI Messaging Data Lab

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