Poverty urban shadows will vanishes

14 days ago

The shadows of poverty, surround us every day,
a wall of despair, that keeps us from reaching the sky,
there are no opportunities, only the struggle to obey,
and on the streets, people hide, with no place to cry.

The lack of opportunities, is a weight that crushes us,
education, a luxury that only some of us can pay,
the social differences, divide and separate us,
on the streets, people hide, no warm place to stay.

On the streets of the city, a story repeats,
of people fighting to survive, with no place to stay,
the tents line up, like a row across the streats,
where people gets by, no toy's for kids to play..

There is a bright light at the end, a new hope,
solidarity and love, can change the course of history,
we cannot let poverty win, let's put in the tent a rope,
we have to come together, how is yet a mistery.

So let's keep moving forward, with hope in our hearts.
and never give up, until poverty is just a far past,
poverty will end, cause society needs many restarts,
if we unite our forces, we can change the world at last.

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