The lord our eternal choice

14 days ago

O Lord, you are mighty, your power divine,
Your wisdom and knowledge, forever entwine.
We stand in awe of your wonders sublime,
And offer our worship, this moment in time.

Praise be to the Lord, the giver of all,
Whose love and compassion will never fall.
We bask in your presence, our hearts enthrall,
And sing of your glory, our King over all.

With hearts overflowing, we lift up our voices,
Exalting the Lord, our eternal choice.
In times of great gladness, our spirits rejoice,
For you are the source of our boundless joys.

Your mercies are new with each dawning day,
Your kindness and grace light our chosen way.
In times of great sorrow, you wipe tears away,
And fill us with joy that will never decay.

With grateful hearts, we exalt your name,
For you are the source of our joy and fame.
Your blessings abound, and your love is the same,
We'll sing of your goodness, and spread your acclaim.

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