🏠 Old House April2000 - March2002 ☁️ Memory Lane 78 Penny Drive In Ottawa ☀️ Canada 🍁

8 months ago

Healthy4Life - Basketball, Soccer, Hockey, Running saved me when i was a kid.
living in the hood made me the man i am today. Self Made #commonsense
right beside me 76 was Justin Mills, we lived a polar opposite life good vs evil
R.I.P Brother you will forever be loved and missed Justin Mills - A Real One
such a small world i knocked on the door to say hi and it just happened to be an old friend that lives here 23 years later.

even though i only lived here for 2 years i can honestly say, it felt like a Life time i grew up so fast and did so much in such a little time it felt like 25 years of living time travel at such a young age from 11 to 13 i was able to do whatever i wanted as a kid. Which allowed me to see life for the good and bad so quick which shifted my childhood mind frame to an adult real quick by 14 i was already manifesting my future plans to where i wanted to be by 40.
Mission Accomplished.
Thank you to the father i never had which let me become the man on my time.
Thank you to the mother that allowed me to be free to become an entrepreneur from the sewer, by 12 years old i was already successful in my mind and felt like i made it in life. my mom never told me what to do growing up i had a head on my shoulders and was the one telling her to quit drinking and she never did and never well and even though i was living in hell i guess it was money the root of evil gave me hope to not give up or quit in life which was a toxic lifestyle back then but i was only a product of my environment
2000 - 2024 = Night & Day
my past doesn't dictate my future.
If You Only Knew...
From Hell To Heaven

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