EV charging is getting expensive! part 2

16 days ago

Living Off the Grid in the City Radio Show. Costs of owning an electric vehicle. Energy rates for charging EVs vary from 10 to 60 cents per kWh per my experience. EVs normally have batteries that hold several dozens of kWh. For example, if you have a 50kWh battery, it takes 50 times whatever rate you pay to fill it up from zero. If you pay 50 cents per kWh; that is $25 plus tax and other fees. Chargin at home has been the cheapest to charge your EV. But that is changing. If you charge at home, this summer, rates have soared to an eye-watering 29 cents per kWh in some areas. And commonly rates are over 14 cents per kWh. And, although it is still slightly cheaper than buying gas, energy rates are making the cost of driving EVs closer to the cost of driving high fuel efficient vehicles.
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For information purposes only. Always follow appropriate and applicable regulatory code for all installations, modifications, and fabrications. For US electrical installations follow the codes of the authority having jurisdiction. For international electrical installations follow the codes of your region’s electrical authority.

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