they have to be told who they are + reflecting on personal pride

2 months ago

beautiful sky right there
not getting plowed into is nice
that shit has happened twice
damn i look so old
dress nice means don't dress the way that you normally do
we will always look at people this way
damn vortex, i'm sorry bout the sound
that's that woman shit
my comedy wasn't as good as it couldve been had i not been so bitter
five oh again
my personal politics
the east room is tryin too hard to be portland
be prepared to show yer guinea pig card...even in a red state
i love judson for this shit
i had every intention of never going back to that mf but ronnit demanded that i go
i was already in nashville anyway
i guess i am too stuck in my ways
the point i am trying to make will never be proven
i'm not seeing porn on insta!spam at least not yet
i can still hate it but becuz of that i will probably never be very good at it haha
since we're in the worst of the seven deadly sins month
what do i take pride in that's bad for me
i usually wait to watch my comedy set so i know that i am growing as a person haha
it was way better than it was up there
such an awkward gal
think again pick somebody else plz
everyone talks about sex the entire time
this dude sounded like such a girl i felt sorry for him
important to know where we "stand" right now as a society
if they believed in God they would think more of themselves n not need others to validate them
i actually really liked the silence this time
it doesn't matter what they get n when, amy
i just remind em of andy kaufman is all
if only i were more of a normie i'd be so much further along but alas
not motivated enough to work on my jokes
too bad i won't ever do that sistine chapel bit
kyler has an adorable rotweiler
i can't stop shit talking comedy venues, bad amy bad
i never went, i didn't leave work til around 6
also i never looked up where it was cos i didn't wanna go haha
i've been able to get on shows n mics all cos i'm the weird gal
my liver was failing. it really was tho
delivery is everythang
the last thing on my mind at the time was purity
traditional would mean not online most of the time
i am just so outdated cos i don't give a fuck about relevance
why do we rely on everyone else to inform us or tell us what's important
these comments are so funny to me
i don't have internet brain, sorry i'm just not interested
no actual opinions or passions SAD!
these people are just players in this game + those lovely mason hand symbols for the camera
why do you take yourself so seriously when this is what you do all day
i'm ridiculous but i'm still more serious than you
resilience always speaks for itself
i live on my soapbox damnit

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