USS Roosevelt in Busan for US-South Korea-Japan Drills Post North Korea-Russia Defense Pact

14 days ago

06/23/2024 WION: A few days after North Korea and Russia signed a mutual defense pledge, the USS Roosevelt arrived in Busan, South Korea, to participate in a trilateral military exercise between the US, Japan, and South Korea. The exercise aims to condemn China's growing influence in the disputed South China Sea and North Korea's provocative behavior, and to improve the tactical proficiency of the three countries' fleets to respond to any “crisis or emergency”.
#JointMilitaryExercise #USSTheodoreRoosevelt #mutualdefensepact #SouthKorea
06/23/2024 世界一体新闻台:在朝、俄签署共同防御协议的几天后,美国罗斯福号核动力航母抵达韩国釜山,参加美日韩三国联合军演。该演习旨在谴责中共国在有争议的南海日益扩张的势力以及朝鲜的挑衅行为,并提高三国舰队的战术熟练程度,以应对任何“危机或突发事件”。
#联合军演 #罗斯福号航母 #共同防御协议 #韩国

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