Dr. Becker Discusses Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

9 days ago

Calicivirus, also called feline calicivirus or FCV for short, is a common respiratory disease seen in cats. Along with feline herpes virus, calicivirus causes the vast majority of upper respiratory infections in cats. The virus infects the respiratory tract, including the lungs and nose, the mouth (sometimes causing ulcers on the tongue), the intestines and the musculoskeletal system.

The virus is transmitted by direct cat-to-cat contact, through the air when an infected cat sneezes and also through contamination of objects the cat comes in contact with.

Symptoms of infection in most cats include sneezing, runny noise, pinkeye, breathing problems and appetite loss.

Most kitties infected by the calicivirus develop mild symptoms that don’t require treatment.

More serious infections require hospitalization and stabilization.

Article link: https://bit.ly/4bmC9SF

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