Pastor JD Talks About, "The Lynchpin" That Holds EVERYTHING Together, Satanically Speaking!

2 months ago

Pastor JD Talks About, "The Lynchpin", That Holds EVERYTHING Together, Satanically Speaking; As Satan's Ultimate Satanic Plan Was Put-In-Motion, Some Four Years Ago (And In Reality, Even Longer); Through The Words Of A Non-Believer, Who Ironically Understands (Prophetically) What's Satanically Going On, Than Many Self-Professing "Christians" Do TODAY; And In Words, Which Unfortunately, Many Pastors Are AFRAID To Express TODAY!

THIS Is An Excerpt From Pastor JD's Sermon, Titled, Holy Bible Prophecy Update, "The Final Lap!" – 6/23/2024.

[SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST: Please Keep Pastor JD's Wife, Kellie, In Your Prayers.]

Pastor JD Explains, HOW AND WHY It Is, That We, As The Bride Of Christ Are Now On – THE FINAL LAP, And About To Finish THE RACE, Ending With The PRE-Tribulation Rapture (The Being CAUGHT UP Together) Of The Church (The Body Of Christ, The Bride Of Christ, ALL Truly “Born Again” Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty)!


JD Farag, JD Farag (dot) org, Calvary Kaneohe, Hawaii, Message From Pastor Wahid JD Farag, Posted: 6/23/2024.

[Running Time: 1 hour 21 minutes 38 seconds]

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