The Goosander: Close Up HD Footage (Mergus merganser)

8 months ago

The Goosander, also known as Mergus merganser, is a big duck you might spot on lakes and rivers. These birds are ace swimmers and can dive underwater to catch fish. The males look smart with their dark green heads and white bodies, while the females have reddish-brown heads and grey bodies. Goosanders have long, thin beaks with saw-like edges, perfect for gripping slippery fish. They're found in many parts of Europe, Asia, and North America.
These birds build their nests in tree holes or rocky areas near water. The mum lays about 8 to 12 eggs and looks after them on her own. When the chicks hatch, they can swim and dive straight away! Goosanders often hang out in small groups, especially in winter. They're pretty quiet birds, but you might hear them make soft grunting noises. While they're not rare, their numbers have gone down in some areas because of water pollution and loss of good nesting spots.

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