Bear Care & Behavioral Researcher & photographer,Video/recordings,data ©Dawn L. Brown

14 days ago

Listen & Learn: I talk during my documentary , and try to explain several topics regarding what I have witnessed= my learning experiences,and challenges,and everything else in between,...
I have been caring for and observing bear cubs and yearlings for over 2 decades ,and I have certainly gained much insight over the years about them = My care is exceptional and my observations of their development and their behavioral patterns is beyond measure = I believe there are few like me out there - to be perfectly honest = most likely only a ' hand full of Individuals who have been able to do what I actually do, and have committed dedicated my life over 20 years doing so intensely = I literally have seen 365 days a year of cub development int yearlings /maybe a bit limited in winter torpor den season,but when I had cams; I had that as well to witness/all visual/real time
Note: Many others who may study bears as well simply are not seeing them physically on a daily basis to study them like I have done so,and that is being realistic - Nothing more & Nothing less ,and my documentation;that I back up Is real = it is mine,and most of my video I will say is not even in my computer/or out on the web = I have an abundance of disk,San Disk,tape,...that I have not even put out there,but I simply keep it all for: evidence as well = existence of more repetitive bear behaviors. Note: Most of my video I have in my computer and on the web - it has already been seen in most cases.

All Content In My Documentary =
Video,Bear Care & Behavioral Researcher
- Recorded Data - All Rights Reserved ©Dawn L. Brown Individual
Copyright owner
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Food ,Behavior,....Bears in their natural realm - element
Bear food sources,behavior & Life witnessed :
Medicinal aspects too = Sarsaparilla fruit,leaves & roots are very medicinal,along with other natural food sources, and
bears seem to know exactly how to forage full bore,and they even
acknowledge when to do so in moderation in their natural realm -
depending on their food sources = they simply know. Noted: health benefits that come through nature - Well, Bears instinctual partake feedings of fruit &
vegetation,along with high protein snacks ants larvae,worms,hard mast ,
bees/nest...the list goes on I talk throughout my little documentary
,but obviously I'm not mentioning everything on the list - for there is so
many food sources that I have recorded them eating and identified. Bears have an amazing mechanism that connects the dots = bears simply have innate foraging skills within = if they are introduced to them naturally /or natural setting as I do and have always done so for decades - Well, they will develop well,and absolutely know how to live in the wild knowing how to naturally forage and den as well ;thou bears have other obstacles that may pressure them in a negative way
"Bear Witness" Is my most recent book I have written, and I gotta say - the
learning experience never ends ,and for that I truly thank the very bears I
have cared for and observed 1st and foremost - for teaching me over the years , and I pray I will continue my journey in my prime.
My other documentaries after this - will entail: Other Bear Behavioral
patters under different scenarios = what bears all do ,and their differences, bear cub development and continuation of their natural innate skills that they all have in place continued, along with their torpor phase as it sets into the autumn/fall season - only to go into the winter rest zone (I record den respiration,but Note: I also record respiration through all other seasons as well = during their development - bear activity and all other aspects into their lives = I literally witness Spring ,Summer,Fall/autumn,Winter,Spring emergence,and
the bear cycle will then again continue the cycle 365 days a year journey.
I have seen more than most ever will regarding bears in their element, along with caring for them = most could never fathom. I am beyond grateful - Lord knows my dedication and commitment never waivers for these amazing creatures ,and the learning experiences will never end.
Bears partake in a massive variety of natural foods that they explore for , and
snuff out like no other = my bears /cubs, yearlings will forage, dig for - flip over
rocks logs, tear bark off of trees,eat roots like no other,and graze like cattle,and climb trees & limbs with a mission for the goods - only to follow through with the simple concepts of pure relaxation & safety,an awesome view too ,and comfort from even the elements,...
I truly thank God for my experiences and I am grateful to all others who had
gained me data after they get released - as they live in the wild, and I appreciate those who clearly had a due respect for me as I them - they know who they are ,but I could certainly do without bureaucracy that only gets in the way of causing me problems ;though I have clearly done nothing wrong ,yet the machine cant help itself for wanting to control everyone and everything; they need to stop this foolishness - the sooner the better!
I pray that government comes to their senses = an overreaching government
will never do anyone good!,and they need to come to their senses rather
quickly - For that would be wise! = Government must be limited and then
they would gain trust from the people - otherwise they never will! I do hope my
license is renewed and that I will continue to receive orphan cubs ,and sick
yearlings,and continue my journey learning from them.
- Dawn L. Brown

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