John Paul Jackson Prophecies

8 months ago

I'll admit I assumed John Paul Jackson was a false prophet because of the company he kept while he was alive. I listened to him in 2008, 2010 and 2012 and thought he was nuts! I was wrong.
Yeshua spoke truth in some sordid situations. Filth didn't contaminate his godly message.
John Paul Jackson seemed to tell truth that sounds logical in 2024.
I'd like you to watch this video and then watch John Paul Jackson's 2008 video please?
John Paul Jackson - The Coming Perfect Storm (Full)
i believe Rachel Baxter is telling truths similar to John Paul Jackson, David Wilkerson, Dumitru Duduman, and Henry Gruver.
Rachel Baxter is live! WW3 - An event will occur
Rachel Baxter is live! Judgment on Chicago

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