Footage from Camp Amenities in WW2 2/2

8 months ago

Camps had

Swimming pools
Dental offices
Factories for work
General stores
Theatre Plays
Sports teams like Soccer

The camps were to reeducate people to remove degeneracy and make them work.

Gas Chambers were used to delouse Lice and other things on clothing.

Only 270k died in the "Holocaust" via documents and the census, and most was from Typhus Fever which was rampant throughout europe.

Incenerators were used to burn diseased bodies to stop disease spread, not actual living people.

Also this 270k number includes not just Jews, but pedophiles, rapists, homosexuals, and other criminals.

This is why the tattoo's never go above 7 digits.

Germans were repaid for their kindness by being accused of Genocide, aswell as ethnic cleansing by the Allies in the Rhinewiesenlager camps where Eisenhower committed war crimes but nobody ever talks about it.

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