Dr. David Martin Exposing the PLANDEMIC – They Knew A LETHAL Respiratory Pathogen Was Being Released

8 days ago

****AN ABSOLUTE MUST, MUST SEE!!! ***The Mother of Exposure Video. **Probably the Most Complete Dr. David Martin Video you will see. *A Top Exposure Video on the Internet.

“We have a Commercially interested group of Sociopaths who want to make Money by Killing People.”

Dr. Martin exposes everything and then tells us what needs to be done and says “We are Winning, but it’s not time to Celebrate.”

They knew on September 18, 2019 that they were going to release a Lethal Respiratory Pathogen, they knew it was DEADLY and they knew it was going to KILL people and it was NOT a China Virus.

The United States Government is laundering these programs and funding them through Universities in very important Electoral Locations around World.

Why is it that Senators and Congressman from Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky don’t have the balls to stand up and say ‘hey, I think our University is running a Biological Weapons Program?’

Dr. David Martin: “We are in World War III, it just comes in a different form.”

I will be breaking this video up into pieces to amplify some of his important points, but this is it in its entirety for now.

This Covid-19 Virus was Engineered here in the in the U.S. at University of Chapel Hill, North Carolina by Ralph Baric according to Dr. David Martin.

So from the watching the House Select Committee on Coronavirus interrogations from earlier this month (June 3, 2024), it is no wonder Fauci and his right hand cronies were doing everything they could to cover Ralph Baric’s ass.

If what Dr. Martin is saying is true, these guys all need to hang.

Dr. Martin: “The Coronavirus that has been branded to be Covid-19 does NOT Exist.”

“What does Exist is a Pathogen modeled off of properties of what once upon a time was Coronavirus.”

“Properties that increased its Pathogenicity, increased its Toxicity but DECREASED its Transmissibility.”

EVERYTHING in this so called Pandemic was based off of rapid transmission of the virus.

In 2002 it was patened to be Non-Transmissible

Since 2002 the “coronavirus” has not been of nature, but lab engineered.

The Definition of a Vaccine established in the 1986 Act in 26 US Code 4132A2 -- The term “vaccine” means any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of 1 or more diseases. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/4132

Did any of these mRNA injections prevent anything? NO.
They all knew it didn’t.

The CDC attempted to change the definition but that does not matter at all.

Why? Because the LAW dictates the LEGAL Definition and that is what we all go by.

Based on a Sequence Code that Ralph Baric sent to the Vaccine Research Center in November of 2019, which was allegedly BEFORE patient #1 in Wuhan, China – it was not for the Cornavirus or the the vaccine, it was for the mRNA that was used to instruct the Human Body to make a Scheduled Pathogen.

This was the instructions that were injected into Billions of People to turn each individual into a Bioweapons Factory.

Under 18 U.S. Code that is exactly what it is. (13:14 mark)

If you instruct a person to make a scheduled toxin, you are in fact a biological weapons manufacturer.

EVERY Single Person that took the Shot became the Manufacturer of a Synthetic Spike Protein associated with the Coronavirus Model.

The difference between this and what has been done before, in the case of mRNA there are Two distinctions that are absolutely unique to the Covid Pandemic.

1. We are creating the mechanism to instruct the body to Manufacture a Toxin. It wasn’t to trigger an Immune Response What is actually Injected is the Instructions to make the Pathogen.

2. The Response is a Hopeful response that actually failed to consider two very critical things:
A. The Lipid Nanoparticle in which the shot was delivered is also a Toxin. The worse part is that they introduced Pseudouridine.

B. Pseudouridine in 2018 was published to be a Pro-Cancer agent, meaning that it shuts down the bodies natural response to how it recognizes Tumors and Suppresses them.

C. Pseudouridine was included in EVERY SINGLE mRNA shot for the purpose of stabilizing the mRNA so it actually stayed in the Human Body Longer to achieve its effect.

The below from Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance and is from the NIH book “Developing MCM’s for Coronaviruses” on Page 73 -- *See Source #4 below to view or download.

“Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.” FEB 12, 2016

MCM = Medical Countermeasures

Are you seeing that this was a Planned Event. 2-12-2016. The key driver is the MEDIA. They use the media to spread the FEAR to get Funding for their bullsh*t mRNA vaccines they label Medical Countermeasures.

Who was behind this Master PLAN? The Welcome Trust, NAIAD (Fauci), The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the CDC and those who sit on the Global Preparedness Board.

September 18, 2019 – they said by September 20, 2020 that the World would Accept a Universal Vaccine.

Here is an excerpt from the Book “A World at Risk” on Page 8 – word for word, copied. *See Source #5 below.

“A rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen (whether naturally emergent or accidentally or deliberately released) poses additional preparedness requirements. Donors and multilateral institutions must ensure adequate investment in developing innovative vaccines and therapeutics, surge manufacturing capacity, broad-spectrum antivirals and appropriate non-pharmaceutical interventions. All countries must develop a system for immediately sharing genome sequences of any new pathogen for public health purposes along with the means to share limited medical countermeasures across countries.”

These are the psychopaths who decided to release a LETHAL Pathogen on the population so the population would be duped into taking an mRNA shot which would PERMANENTLY Alter their human condition (hint – you have been gmo’d).

Dustin Moskovitz – co-founder of Facebook helped fund EVENT 201, which was a simulation in November of 2019 in which they practiced what they were going to do when they released the Coronavirus, they didn’t hide anything, it was even labeled Coronavirus.

Who else was in on this project – Event 201? Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, John Hopkins Medical, World Economic Forum all said they were sponsoring Event 201.

But who actually wrote the check? Open Philanthropy.

This was a War Game Plan. They really thought they could pull this off and with the help of all the social platforms CENSOR and label the ones in the KNOW like Dr. David Martin as pure conspiracy theorists who are trying to scare the public.

They changed the definition of Vaccination and they changed the definition of an Adverse Event Following a Vaccination in 2018 and 2019 so that LEGALLY there was no Adverse Event. Even if you got the shot and fell over DEAD, that was not even categorized or labeled an Adverse Event.

So, you get the shot and you keel over dead, what was the cause of Death? It was COVID.

Why? Because Vaccination was now considered 14 Days AFTER your SECOND Covid Jab.

So you see how they are doing this?

The shot can kill you and you are not considered vaccinated yet. Not until 14 days AFTER your second covid shot.

Dr. Martin: “2028 is a Nightmare for the World. There will be a Collapse of the Social Security Medicaid System as they will be completely broke. Who did we inject first? The elderly on Social Security. To preempt by death the people that will be in the way when we find out that the social security system will be broke.”

23:00 mark.

Bill Gates in 2011 & 2012 when the first Global Vaccination Program was launched said that a successful vaccination program would decrease the population by his estimate of 10%.

When Bill Gates said this in front of everyone at the TED convention, NOBODY blinked an eye. No one questioned.

This is why they felt so confident in this plandemic. They expected some resistance, but the level of awakening I don’t believe they expected.

Ralph S. Baric in 2005 -- “Synthetic Coronaviruses are Biological Warfare Enabling Technology.”

Dr. David Martin Background: In the 1990’s Dr. Martin started the Mosaic Technologies company – and he did a lot of work in Treaty Restrictive Technology Transfer – which means is that there were a bunch of offense military technologies that were developed around the world and his company was used by the US Gov to help us access technologies that were of strategic defense interest of the USA. His company was about Civilizing Technologies so they could be exported and it was by doing this that he was able to see a lot of places that were involved with Biological Weapons Labs around the world. That is how he got into in the first place.

In 1998, an interesting thing happened. Dr. Martin set up a company called M-CAM, the government asked them to provide a mechanism where banks could actually get credit for intangible asset collateral. Patent, Copyrights, Trademarks and that is how he saw what was going on in REAL TIME.

He was watching in REAL TIME as people were filing Patents, as people get Grants as people do collaborations, as corporations get involved in illicit activities in 168 countries.

So you think this guy doesn’t know what’s going on?

If there is one person on the planet that knows what all the countries are doing, it’s Dr. David Martin.


His company set its system to monitor the 68 scheduled pathogens which are part of the biological weapons arsenal of the world. Anytime a scientific publication came out, a patent was filed, a grant was filed, it popped up in his system and they were flagging these events.

His contracts were with the Commerce Department and the Treasury Department.

In 2003 the work in Biological Weapons kicked into gear. In 2001, after the Anthrax scare, in which they found out the US Gov attacked itself, as Anthrax went out of a US Lab, into the mail from Fort Detrick. Then in 2003 the SARS attack. Dr. Martin found out that the reasons behind both of these Government attacks on the people was to get to the PREP ACT.

The reason why we needed the PREP ACT is because the manufacturers of Vaccines in 1986 got the childhood vaccines covered under their immunity shield which is why they appointed Fauci to his role.

The problem is, as the term vaccination changed, they decided to inject people with all kinds of different things and this began in the early 1990’s and they wanted to EXTEND the Liability Protection so it would protect ADULT Injections (Vaccines).

To do this, they needed to CREATE the ILLUSION of PANDEMIC to get people to give up their Liberty in 2005 in the PREP ACT.

The whole reason for SARS 1.0 and the whole reason for the Anthrax attack was to get Commercial Liability Protection at the Cost of Civil Liberties.

As a country, there was NO Resistance as always. No questions. No one realizing what’s going on. Just like now, when the majority have no clue that our Government has a plan on killing us and this time they are on the CLOCK, so that’s why we all need to do our part and share all of this information so there will be no more FEAR Campaigns that scare the shit out of people to take an experimental vaccine and give up even more liberties.

This can NEVER happen again.

Gulf War Syndrome – was caused by our government via VACCINES. Just as the Spanish Flu Pandemic – same exact way, vaccinate in the US at Fort Detrick, send them to Spain, blame it on Spain.

What is the Motivation behind Covid? We have a Commercially interested group of Sociopaths who want to make Money by Killing People.

If you can Weaponize Healthcare – if you can weaponize the idea that you need to do something in the interest of surviving – you get COMPLIANCE.

Every single Word associated with this pandemic – the word Virus, Vaccination, Infection – had to be CHANGED to deceive the population and coerce them to take something that they otherwise would never take. 33:00 min mark.

There are 8 Criminal Accounts across the World that are associated with this activity:

1. Act of Domestic Terrorism Resulting in Death of American Citizens
2. Conspiring to Commit Acts of Terrorism
3. Conspiring to Criminal Commercial Activity
4. Funding and Creating a Biological Weapon
5. Market Manipulation and Allocation
6. Lying to Congress
7. Interlocking Directorates
8. Seditious Conspiracy

Act of Domestic Terrorism Resulting in Death of American Citizens

Act of Domestic Terrorism Resulting in Death of American Citizens – they knew on September 18, 2019 that they were going to release a Lethal Respiratory Pathogen by September of 2020. They knew it was lethal and they knew it was deadly. It wasn’t a China virus.


Since the 1960’s and 1970’s we said we were not going to subscribe to the Nuremberg Code. Even thought the US was the Chief Justice on this law. The US didn’t want to follow this because the government had their own Covert “Nazi” experiments going on.

Francis Boyle, a Human Rights Lawyer said if we are not going to abide by the Nuremberg Code, we need to have Biological Weapons Laws made, so this was very, very critical.

Nobody wants to admit that the US is funding these programs and laundering money to and through Universities in very important Electoral locations around the world.

Why is it that Senators and Congressman from Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky don’t have the balls to stand up and say ‘hey, I think our University is running a Biological Weapons Program?’

Because these are BLACK BUDGET PROGRAMS where NIAID has a disclosed amount of money and right next to it is a DARPA grant that matches it. The DARPA grant next to it is the way we fund all these buildings in Universities. The doors even say DARPA.

Dr. Martin says that nobody in congress has the balls to call this out.


The Wuhan Investigation is a COVER STORY to make sure that NO one knows that the United States are funding and making these Bioweapons right HERE in the USA.

Rand Paul – is all talk and no action at all.

Is Rand Paul on the Pay Roll? Dr. Martin says “ABSOLUTELY.”

He says that most people watching this will says “he is the better of the evil.”

It is time we DON’T settle for the “Lesser of Evils.”

Ron Paul had the Evidence of Fauci admitting in 2016 to Gain of Function Research. He did nothing.

Dr. Martin says: “This is entire Theater and it is GOOD Fundraising.” SO Freaking True.

Rand Paul should face the SAME charges as Fauci. 18 US Code 1001 – Lying to Congress.

If a Congressman or a Senator continually perpetrates a lie about a fictitious Wuhan Virus then that congressman should be held accountable for his/her lies.

History of Coronavirus

1965 – the first time that Coronavirus was supposedly isolated.

1966 – what did we do with it – we infected British people. The first time we took a pathogen from one part of the world and moved it to another part to see if we could make people sick.

Coronavirus has been in play as a Biological Weapon since 1966.

1990 – Pfizer filed their first patent on a vaccine for Coronavirus.

1999 – 2001 – Ralph Baric of Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina figured out how to modify a component of the protein and he made into something that would target Heart Tissue.

In Kansas and in Texas and soon to be other states – they are currently filing “Deceptive” cases against Pfizer. It is a good step, but it is an inadequate step because we need to go much further.

What Ralph Baric did in 1999 was take what used to be a Gastrointestinal and Respiratory virus and turned into something that would actually create Cardiomyopathy in Rabbits.

2002 – this gave rise to the patent that was filed called “The Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus.”

What does this mean? It means that we take an attribute associated with the model of the virus and we are going to take that attribute and Weaponize it. It will be amplified to harm a cell, BUT replication defective means that the transmissibility of the virus will we weakened – so, it will not be able to multiply within the cell.

1999 – 2002 – the Virus was modified / designed to INFLAME the Cardiovascular System.

SO – when all these Big Pharma’s, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and Moderna said they were “surprised” by the Hearth Disease, and surprised by the Sudden Deaths, surprised by the Inflammation of the cell linings of the vascular system, surprised by the Clot Formations – not a single one of these statements were true.

They KNEW.

This was published data between 1999 and 2002.

What is critical to understand: They not only knew this was going to kill and harm people but in 2010 a venture capitalist called Darwinian Chemical Systems – the National Science Association wanted to know if they could introduce mRNA into a cell and get the cell to write into the Genome of the Host cell.

What was the Company that arose from this great research? It was Moderna. Mod RNA = Modify your RNA.

What is the Master Plan? 75% of the Population is just Unnecessary. We are in WWIII and it is a Silent War that no one is aware of.

AND they are making fortunes off of disabling, injuring, decreasing lifespans and killing people.

You have Pediatricians who were incentivized to get a certain percentage of their children injected.

2014 – Gain of Function Moratorium for UNC at Chapel Hill was Waived – meaning it won’t be upheld and they are free to do what they desire -- Dr. Baric was working on the Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus

2016 – They said this Virus they had been working on at UNC Chapel Hill was posed for Human Emergence.

2018-2019 – The US Government Reclaimed the Patent from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the Department of Human Services at the National Institute of Health took that UNC Chapel Hill Patent on Infectious Replication Defective Coronavirus and reclaimed Title and Interest to it.

2018 – The Pseudouridine that was put in EVERY SINGLE mRNA Vaccine to “stabilize” the mRNA was published to be LETHAL in EVERY single use it has ever been put in.

2019 – April of 2019 – Moderna amended 4 Patent Applications in which they made the following statement: “After an accidental or intentional release of a Respiratory Pathogen” *It says RELEASE.

2019 – September 19 of 2019 – They Added “The Lethal Release of Respiratory Pathogen.”

2019 – September 19, 2019 – One day later, President Trump is handed an Executive Order – which led to the cascade of the Pandemic – which is designed to overthrow the Democracy of the USA. It set up the mRNA for “flu”. It had NOTHING to do with Public Health. Next was the Fauci Internal Coup of the USA while Trump stood there and spectated it all.

This is a KILL Shot Period.

It’s a Soft Kill because it will do it slowly and people will not connect the dots on the illnesses, cancers, heart diseases that will follow.

50:30 mark.

We can not sit here and pretend that someone ELSE will solve the problem. WE have to solve this problem.

58:50 – DARPA funded a company that infects Nasal Swabs. So, the next time you get that long swab shoved up your nose, think about that company that was paid by DARPA to infect these swabs.

When you see all those videos of this idiotic doctors and nurses dancing on TikTok during the pandemic, think of all this that was really going on while they are jerking each other off and laughing it up.

What’s NEXT”

H5N1 – Bird Flu.

2016 – Patent – H5N2 – Avian Influenza in Humans – sold to BEI Resources. Back in the early 1900’s the Rockefeller Foundation set up a thing called BEI Resources.

What is BEI Resources? It is the Wal Mart of Biological Weapons.

Who owns BEI Resources now? NIAID – National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – FAUCI’s NIH. H5N2 Patent was Purchased from BEI Resources.

What is going to happen now that people are Waking Up to their sh*t? When their plans are Preempted before they are Enabled this can foil all of their agenda plandemic bullsh*t.

We the people have the power, but we first have to realize that these insane maniacs are trying to kill off 75 to 90% of humanity, unfortunately many are still sound asleep living happily on their retirements and saying f*ck it, that can’t be true, look how good I have it – but it’s true and it will effect everyone soon down the road here.

We have continually been told, time after time what the problems are, we were told the Government was the Solution and were told if we listen to the Government we will be better off.

We need to call out the governments bullsh*t.

We need to start working together and start treating each other with respect. The only way the globalists win is we give into FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real.

It took just 5 Americans to stand up and say NO to Face Masks on Air Planes, they went to court and won in Florida.

This PROVES that the All Powerful Man Behind the Curtain is NOT so Powerful at all. One we realize this they will run into their underground bunkers.

They may try to collapse the financial markets, cut the grid and try to poison us on the way out but I believe we can overcome.

Dr. David Martin – “The World Health Organization was set up as a Criminal Organization in the 1950’s to take over the world.”

They wanted their WHO Treaty to pass in May and that would have given them full control. It didn’t happen.

We need to awaken enough people to get in FRONT of these FEAR Campaigns. Once that happens they have NO power.

The next 3 to 5 years there are going to be a lot of sick people from cancers, heart disease, with strokes, disabilities all due to these mRNA injections.

Dr. Martin says that they will try to steal the election again in 2024 with massive voter fraud, early voting, electronic voting, illegal immigrant voting, they will throw the kitchen sink.

Dr Martin says to photograph who you vote for.

I think that we will win regardless of who is in the Presidency and I think we wake up faster if Biden steals it again.

We have the power, a president will not be able to do much at all.

Dr. David Martin – says Trump signed the mRNA based platform EO NOT knowing what was going to happen. If this is the case, I guess Trump is an idiot. If it is not the case, Trump is a murderer. Either way, it’s not good. So, I do not give Trump a pass like Dr. Martin.

Trump could come out and say that he was conned.

But I knew of this plan and if I knew, I’m pretty sure Trump knew. I could be wrong, but that’s what I think.

It is no doubt that Trump harmed humanity by his Executive Orders.

The very first EO Trump needs to sign is to get rid of the Vaccine Indemnity Clauses and make Big Pharma accountable for their criminal activities. If they know that they can be sued and lose everything, they won’t participate in criminal activity.

Klaus Schwab of the WEF got tired and retired. Is that a good sign?

Dr. Martin says there are 68 toxins ready to be released. They may try to take out infrastructure with EMP’s so we have to accept their Digital Currency Monetary System.

Our job is to know their Game and to share it with others as much as we can.

We the people have to stand up and say NO to their B.S. scams.

This is WWIII and is in a different form. A silent form. This is a war between Light and Dark.

No one can take from us that is not ours to give.

They can’t take what we don’t give them.

Dr. David Martin: “We are on the Winning Team, so put the Jersey on, Suit Up!”

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1. The Alex Jones Show -- https://banned.video/watch?id=667329a54e224dd6b27a1afa

2. Dr. David Martin -- https://davidmartin.world

3. Vaccine Definition -- The term “vaccine” means any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of 1 or more diseases. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/4132

4. Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases: Enabling Sustainable Capabilities Through Ongoing Public- and Private-Sector Partnerships: Workshop Summary.
-- https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK349040/

5. A WORLD AT RISK - Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies -- Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (*Important Source) -- https://www.gpmb.org/docs/librariesprovider17/default-document-library/annual-reports/gpmb-2019-annualreport-en.pdf?sfvrsn=bd1b8933_36


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Thank You!!

END. 6/29/2024 – 6:00 PM

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